The lady in red is playing very badly. Whoever doesn’t watch it loses a lot.

The lady in red played great at the wedding. We can say that the lady in the red dress, who is estimated to be one of the guests, really played great, so to speak. When the ambience was beautiful, the wedding was beautiful, he got carried away by the rhythm of the music and poured a good wolf. Our sister in red, who played belly dancing with the bride’s side, really did the game justice. So much so that when the dress of our sister added harmony to the beauty of the game, a wonderful ambiance emerged. So to speak, we would not be lying if we say that our lady in red played and all the guests watched her. In such a fun wedding, it would have fallen to everyone to pour and add joy to everyone in such a beautiful way, thanks to our sister in red dress.

Our sister in red really did justice to the game air named “My horse is an Arab” and she both cheered herself and the people around her. Anyway, let’s not prolong the word too much. We wish our married couples a lifetime of happiness and leave you, our valuable viewers, alone with this beautiful red lady belly dance video and wish you a good time.

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